Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wisconsin Virtual Assistant Business Services

If you are a night owl entrepreneur, you have spent your day meeting with clients, meeting vendors, managing staff, schedules, and budgets.

How much time does that take? Now that it is nearing midnight, how much more will you get done? Wouldn't you rather be sleeping? Why not bring on a Virtual Assistant to get as many of those tasks completed as possible? Technology has advanced so far that you can have help in a different state or even country.

A Virtual Assistant can access your email and can collaborate with you on projects all online. How are your leads? Have you followed up with them as diligently as you should? Do you use IContact or Constant Contact or Aweber or OneShoppingCart? Do you publish an e-newsletter? All of these tasks are items that a Virtual Assistant can do.

It is all about the technology which can be very daunting, but not to a Virtual Assistant. Talk to one. If they don't know about a particular piece of software they will research it and report on its positives and negatives.

Take care,
Gretchen Koehler-Swaney
Prairie Business Partners LLC

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