Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Virtual Partners Plus, LLC is Here to Help You Suceed

Hello Everyone,

First and foremost, I want to apologize for the delay in blogging. In June, Wisconsin suffered a lot of flooding and many of my family members were affected. It took until now, September, to finally get back to normal! Family members have relocated, and hopefully FEMA assistance will be soon! For anyone else that has or is suffering from flooding issues, I truly feel for you, and can totally relate.

I also want to tell you that my website is currently "under construction and being updated," and my business telephone number has changed to 414.750.7966. Please be sure to make a note in your records.

Well, word has it that the Real Estate market is finally picking up! I have been noticing for the past several months that numerous homes in southeastern Wisconsin have been up for sale and nothing was moving. However, now things are "popping" and sales are being made. Yippee!

I am ready and willing to help you succeed in your sales and marketing endeavors! Please give me a call and I will be more than happy to assist you, and I could begin immediately!

It's sunny with blue skies here in Milwaukee today with a high of 72 degrees. This is my kind of weather. Have a great day!

Lori McGinnis
Virtual Partners Plus, LLC